Yellow Messenger with Zendesk

How can we integrate yellow messenger with Zendesk?

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Here you go:

  1. Go to zendesk dashboard → Go to settings → Open accounts tab

  2. In accounts tab click on APIs and SDK tab, There create a new API client by clicking on add API client

  3. To add a new client we have to give the client name, company and redirect URL and click on create API client.

  4. If the client is successfully created, a dialog appears listing a client ID and a client secret. Store the client secret somewhere as this will not be shown again.

  5. Hit this API with:<YourClient_ID>&scope=read%20write%20chat&subdomain=
    Note : The redirect URL you keep here has to be encoded.

  6. When you open this URL it will ask for the user’s consent to allow or deny when you click allow then a token will get generated in the URL.

  7. Take that token from URL and place it in our Zendesk integrations page.

  8. You will be in the accounts tab in the zendesk chat dashboard go to the widget tab there u will get the script, copy it and paste it in any html page.

Hi Team,

Good evening!

I would like to explore how to invoke the REST endpoint from the yellow messenger and use the response instead of configuring default answers in the yellow messenger without writing single line of code.

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You can watch this video where I’ve added a random joke API that returns a joke whenever that journey gets triggered: - Google Drive

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Hello Vanathi,

There are different ways to integrate with Zendesk. Before we move forward and tell you which integration approach works best for you, may I know which channel are you planning to deploy the bot along with Zendesk integration?